It's been a little while.
Here are some random nothings, thought and facts about my life of late:
Saw a Swedish film that I highly recommend called
Everlasting Moments. Seriously, the main character in this film (based on a true story) is incredible. Her quiet strength and determination amazed me. Please, do yourself a favor, skip He's Just Not That Into You and see this gem. (And if you're the type to think in terms of black and white, and happy vs. sad, take a friend with you and grab coffee afterward to process). P.s. don't watch the preview for this movie - It's far too "americanized" and twists the movie into something it is not at all while giving away a lot of key moments in the movie. Take my word for it that you should see it. But if that's not enough check out this
Did my taxes allllll by myself for the very first time. I use "alllll by myself" very loosely here. My dad was just a phone call away. He picked up the phone 3 times before it was all said and done (thanks Pops!). I think that e-filing is amazing! It's free and you get the cash in your bank account in just one week! My ING direct account is loving me today.
Went on a run in my neighborhood and discovered parts of it I did not know existed. I found the most beautiful park and running path, just 1/2 mile from my doorstep. Who knew?
So thankful for the hint of spring. The degrees are attempting to increase, but sometimes Chicago winter is stubborn, and insists on having her way. This morning the sun was out. I cannot even tell you the world of good it did me!
Rachel and I graced the
Golden Nugget the other night. A classic, I say. We went to see the long awaited (6 months, no kidding, is how long we've been anticipating)
Sunshine Cleaning. I did like it. Who can't like Amy Adams? I can't say it lived up to the level of my expectation, but that's not fair seeing as how much time my expectations had to grow.
When Rachel and I got back to my place from the movie, surprise surprise, I forgot my keys. One roomie in NYC, the other roomie babysitting, we were stranded. We walked to Starbucks, just closed. We walked to a restaurant, closed. We walked to the Logan Square bar- open, but we decided we'd been more comfortable freezing on the sidewalk, than fitting in with the Friday night party crowd. It was Blockbuster for us. Laughing at lame-o movie titles til Mal came home and rescued us.
Made several invitations to an upcoming bridal shower. My friends are getting married, and that makes the world seem right. It started my sophomore year of college when my first close friend got engaged. It's been a slew of weddings since. The next batch of friends are engaged, so I feel at "home" talking weddings with them and helping with the planning.
Watched an amazing movie from 1984 the other night.
Girls Just Want to Have Fun! This classic has Helen Hunt (not to be confused with
Helen Keller) and Sarah Jessica Parker as high school students trying to land a spot on Dance TV! Think Hairspray mixed with Dirty Dancing and add all the 80's hair, makeup and leotards you can imagine and you have a pretty good idea of what this movie is like. Masterpiece!
Work has been crazy busy. The last few weeks have been more stressful than most. Unfortunately, I even dream about work at night. Yes, at 3:30 I wake up panicking about investments, original signatures, me losing documents, etc. I definitely need a plan to leave those cares behind when it's time for the Zzzz's.
Thrilled that
Indelible Grace came out with a new CD! Thank you
Derek and friends! It has been my soundtrack since last night (along with Bon Iver's new EP and
Denison Witmer's new album). Confession: I would be lying if I did not admit to the 3 R&B songs I downloaded too - This is really going to hurt my image :)
Side note - anyone heard the new
Decemberists album? Worth buying?
Still just getting used to being a "grown up". Enough said.
Still LOVING the class I am auditing. Getting more and more serious about grad school too! Starting to take all those necessary steps to move forward in that direction. Slow going, but it will all happen in time.
Here is a thought - My prof said this the other night and it really put words to beliefs I already have. Don't you love it when someone is able to articulate that which you have been internalizing. She said (more profoundly than this) that the difficulties, disappointments, pain in our lives often stir up themes in our life that need to be resolved. What a gift that is. God uses the pain in my life to stir up themes that need to be resolved. Maybe this is so profound to me because it is so true for different pains in my life right now. Circumstances that I could not decide why I was bothered by them. Vague? Yes. Wanna know more? Call me. Glad to share.
God bless Sunday! It was 57 degrees and sunny! Thank God for giving warmth on a weekend. Church was wonderful. I am loving where I am at and am so encouraged. Was able to have lunch with dear Sarah Bear. Just enjoyed walking around. Why take the bus when it's so beautiful?? Also pulled out my bike (who still needs a good name) for the first time in 2009. Yes, and all was well with the world.
Had some friends over for dinner one night. I am always discovering my love of cooking. It never ceases to amaze me how much I love it and how much joy I get in cooking for others. Like food? Live in Chicago? Wanna come over for dinner?! I'll gladly cook for you.
OH! Found out that one of my first friends at MBI works one block from me downtown! What are the odds?! Dan Albright from the best brother floor in the whole world (Culby 18, who else?!) and I met for lunch last week. Crazy how when I am around friends I've known since freshman year all I can think is how "grown up" they are. I totally sound like a mom, yes! But, I can't help it. It's amazing the transformation you go through in just 4 years of undergrad - and then some on the other side.
The first day of warmth and relief I was struck by something simple. Isn't it amazing how sometimes the simplest of things impact us so profoundly. I was thinking about winter and how cold and harsh and bitter and painful it can be. But also about how it does not last forever. The spring does come (it has to). I was comparing that to painful seasons in my life. Times of disappointment, loss, apathy, loneliness, fill-in-the-blank. Those seasons do not last forever. The Lord sustains us through those times and shows us so much of Himself. But I am also so thankful that the spring does come! The Lord also allows us seasons of refreshment, joy, restoration, beauty, relationship, etc. Maybe because I am exposed to weather everyday in my comings and goings is why I think/talk so much about it and use it metaphorically - I refuse to accept it's because I am old and boring and have nothing else to talk about :)
I started reading the Secret Life of Bees. I am a fan of reading books before seeing the movie. I am enjoying it so far (about halfway done). Definitely a much easier read than the last 3 I tackled. Thankful for fiction and that I have the time to enjoy it. I think that I am going to venture to Steinbeck's East of Eden next... Thoughts? Also, if anyone has any recommendations for a good sociological study, I would appreciate that as well. And if any of you want a recommendation in that genre, read
Unhooked by Laura Sessions Stepp (incredible).
OK, til the next urge to blaaaah-g comes upon me... As
Rosie Thomas would say. Keep doing what you're doing. You're great. Even if you feel like you have no idea what you're doing or you don't know if where you are is where you're supposed to be - you're just where you need to be. Be encouraged, you're going to make it and be great! I know it!
Love love!!