Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random Nothings

So I thought of a few more things.

Watched Waking Ned Devine and loved it. A great Irish film from 10 years ago. Very quirky. Very wonderful.

Tested out my new s'more maker with Mal one Friday evening. You know you live in Chicago when all you want to do on the weekend is stay indoors, out of the snow and wind! We shared mac n cheese, made s'mores and watched Junebug (interesting, but would not necessarily recommend it).

Went grocery shopping in one of the said blizzards because I had just returned from Christmas vacation and basically was down to butter, jam and milk in the fridge.

Contemplating registering for the half marathon in Chicago this June. I am ready to try something new and for a real sense of accomplishment! I think I will register so that I can't talk myself out of it!

Most recently my life's soundtrack has consisted of Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Griffin House, Sandra McCracken (as always), and The Kinks. I definitely go through stages of favorite artists.

OK, for real. All done (for now).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's New

Been awhile since I posted anything.
Was waiting for something profound to develop to then write about...
I hope an update will suffice.

This was my first Christmas vacation. In years past I was always home on break from school. Now I use real vacation days to take a break.

I so enjoyed surprising my parents - that was a first. My poor parents were so concerned I was not even going to make it home for Christmas Eve because of bad weather. Long story short, I got on an earlier flight out of this snowy city and managed to get into the house without my parents knowing. I don't know that I have ever seen my dad jump in fright like that before - then moment of realization - then lots of embracing. Home for the holidays has an entirely new meaning since finishing school and living on my own.

I really enjoyed time with extended family this year. Absolutely everyone made it back to St Louis this year (a rare occasion). There have been a lot of changes within my family this year. Many of them wonderful and happy. Many of them difficult, challenging and uncertain. Somehow, life seemed to slow down and be less stressful while we were all together. I am thankful for the accumulation of moments shared with my family over the holidays.

I got to go to some of Brevin's basketball games- for which I am thankful. I love watching him play and seeing my dad coach. I do believe, however that I shaved a few moments off of my life expectancy because of how tense and nerve wracking the games got. Neck and neck til the end - referees making bogus calls - shots going in at the buzzer... I wish I could emotionally detach myself from these games. I am pretty good during the first 3 quarters, but inevitably by the 4th, I am all in. Even so, I am sad that I can't go to all of his games!

It was wonderful to have Amanda and Drew and their puppy Franklin home. Poor Franklin- he tries so hard to be good. He just has too much energy and not enough of an attention span. He spent plenty of hours in the kennel.

You wait so long to grow up and live your own life - and once you do- you miss doing life with the ones you love the most.

It was great to stay up ridiculously late watching movies and eating homemade popcorn with my parents. Even though I may have OD'd on caffeine, there just was never enough time to spend at Starbucks with my mom. It was great just to sit over lunch with my dad and talk about the scariest thing in my life right now - my future. There is nothing like having the biggest supporter of your life tell you that no matter how clueless you feel, this time is making you stronger and that you are supposed to be right where you are.

Chicago has been kind enough to bring snow and blizzards and severe weather advisories nearly everyday. Tomorrow the predicted high is still -4. I love this city, but the winter always makes me question my loyalty! I will be singing quite a different tune once the snow melts, the trees bloom, and I can finally ride my bike again.

I came back to several piles on my desk and realized why people do not take long vacations in "the real world". After a full week of scrambling, I feel as though I am back in a rhythm at my job.

Oh, one more (interesting update). I am taking a dance class. It's true! I am loving it- although it is much harder than I ever expected. On Tuesday nights I go to the Old Town School of Folk Music to take a Bhangra class. While this is not the best quality - here is a clip to give you a flavor of what we are learning (my teacher is the one on the left). I never thought I would be learning Indian dance, but once I saw it performed I had to learn how!

Still loving my church, my small group, my friends, and all that the Lord is teaching me. If you think of me, please pray that the Lord would provide clear direction for the future and joy in Him for the present.

I love you all so much, and I am honored if you made it this far in reading about my life of late. Hopefully more to come soon.
