Monday, December 1, 2008

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

Where does the time go?
I can hardly believe that it is already December! How did that happen?!

For some reason, I thought that life would slow down a bit after college, but it seems to have done just the opposite. It's definitely a different rhythm of life, but not a slower one. Maybe without the breaking up of the year with semesters and scheduled breaks, the days now just run together. Of course, the holidays break things up (thank God), but otherwise, it's just one day into the next.

I can't believe I have already lived here for 4 months. I know in the grand scheme of things, that is not a long time at all, but I feel as though I just unpacked. (And my roomies can verify that in some ways I did just unpack- those last few boxes).

It's already just over 3 weeks until Christmas. This is my favorite time of all, and the days are filling up very quickly. So many great shows (Rosie Thomas, Andrew Peterson, Bon Iver), so many get togethers, ice skating in the park, work Christmas party, friends' Christmas parties, etc. So much going on- So turned off by the crazy chaotic consumerism that our culture promotes.

This year I am most looking forward to spending time with the people that I love. These last 6 months or so have proved to be a season of transition and uncertainty. I don't know that I have ever been more grateful for people who know me inside and out and love me well (you know who you are)! I am so comforted and encouraged just being in the company of individuals who understand where there are no words. Thank you to those of you who speak truth into my life when I need to hear it and are silent when all I need is your presence or listening ear.

This Thanksgiving was the first holiday celebrated in our home without every sibling present. Three weeks until I am home sweet home with the whole McVicar family reunited once again. So thankful that Amanda (with husband and puppy too) will all be home for Christmas. Counting down the moments for all of us to be together again.

Until then, enjoying the moments and events and this season before I blink and it's 2009.

Much love (and all things Christmas!)